Dashboards screen grab.png

Self Care Badge

This badge was in partnership with USC and CSUDH for first-year students at CSUDH. The badge was part of a series of other badges, that when completed would earn students entries for a scholarship.

Self Care Badge

I developed the Self Care Badge from start to finish.

Background: A “badge” consists of 6 to 10 pieces of content pieces around a general topic. This badge was in partnership with USC and CSUDH for first-year students at CSUDH. The badge was part of a series of other badges, that when completed would earn students entries for a scholarship.

Goal: Develop the content for the Self Care Badge

Tasks: Research self-care content while identifying specific on-campus resources, Brainstorm/revise what the end content pieces would be (quiz, discussion post, article, tips, resource list or check in), Write first draft of content, Edit and create content elements after feedback, Design hero/badge/button images, Pick dashboard images, Curated a self-care kit for promotion

Constraints: Time limit, Content length

Time frame: Two weeks



I was given a general topics list of what the badge should include: mental health, family and friends, hobbies and things to do, and sleeping, eating, and healthy habits. Because this badge had a specific audience of CSUDH students, I spent time looking at the CSUDH website to find the resources available to them based on the topics list.

Screen grab of the Self Care dashboard images

Screen grab of the Self Care dashboard images


Nine pieces of content developed from the research:

3 Ways To Explore Mental Health at CSUDH - Written as a resource list focused on the specific resources available to students on campus.

Check Into The Student Health and Psychological Services Center - a “check-in” is a Get Schooled content type that allows students to virtually check into a location. The page also has relevant linked information.

5 Ways To Spend Quality Time With Friends and Family - Written as quick tips with consideration to a students time between school/work/self/extra time.

How Do You Learn New Hobbies? - To foster discussion between other students which allows for different hobbies to be written about, not just based on research and a narrow scope.

Check Into A Club or Organization - A virtual check-in with relevant links to an event page and article.

4 Tips To Explore A College City - Written as quick tips that could be used in any city/place.

How Do You Get A Good Night’s Sleep? - A discussion to add different sleeping routines that other student may not have tried.

7 Healthy Eating Habits to Adopt - Written as quick tips that could be easily implemented.

Exercising On Campus and Off - Part campus resource list, and other ideas to exercise (youtube and phone apps)

self care badge button.jpg

Badge elements

In addition to content, there are four other elements that make up a badge: dashboard images, hero banner, badge image and recently a badge button.

Dashboard images

Of the images chosen, four were stock photos, four from a Get Schooled visit to the campus, and one a screen grab of the school campus.

I wanted to use as many images possible from the Get Schooled visit that students could recognize from spending time on campus (lawn sign, health center, classroom, students on campus). I tried to match images to one or two words from the content titles.

Hero banner

Is a public stock photo.

The photo embodies self reflection and the physical portrayal of hugging one’s self. I chose an image with one individual because self-care starts with self-love.

badge image

Hands hugging a heart icon with CSUDH text.

I wanted a graphic that showed caring of one’s self. This fit nicely because hearts -> love and hands -> self, “self love”.

badge button

A common feedback we receive is that students don’t know the content is part of a badge or how to get back to the badge page. The addition of the button at the end of the content directs students back to the badge page where all the content pieces of the badge are available.

I kept this button branded with CSUDH colors, and split colored “self care” to match the marketing materials.


Self care kit

As part of the promotion for the badge, a self care kit (mini coloring book, stress ball and tea) could be redeemed after completing the badge. The kit was also given out on campus to drive interest in the overall CSUDH Campaign.

CSUDH Portal.png


Students were directed to this landing page or portal to find out about the scholarship, the badges, highlighted content and other incentives of the campaign.

There is an overall information hierarchy with the main message/ incentive at the top. At the beginning the header didn’t look clickable, there was no “learn more”. I gave feedback that adding an element to the original image that looks like a button will give the impression of “clickability”.

The second row contains images and links to all four badges. I created the images to include badge names and the badge description that included an incentive to complete the badge. The right hand text is an indicator that the image is clickable.

The third row is highlighted content. Depending on what is going on, on campus the content pieces change. Meetings with USC and CSUDH also influence this section.

The fourth row contains links to the Rewards Store where students can redeem the gifts cards, and self care kit. The incentive to join the text line has been a big part of the campaign. We are able to send messages to the students (about events/asking how the semester is going/etc.) and get feedback from them.


This campaign and partnership has been a great learning experience. Being able to create the Self Care Badge touched upon an important topic and according to Google Analytics was the most clicked on badge by CSUDH students. The feedback about the badge from USC and CSUDH were positive and helped me see the impact of the content. Through this badge creation process I learned:

  • the value of student/user generated content

  • cutting sentences/words to be better digestible and readable with the Get Schooled tone and voice (these are the tips pieces)

  • and linking relevant pieces to show students/users that we have other valuable content.