About Me

Headshot photo of Yvonne Ingles

Hello! My name is Yvonne and I am a Content Strategist.

I am also an Informatics graduate from the University of Washington. At the time, I also worked at the Seattle Public Library. The library will always hold a special place in my heart. It was where child me spent countless hours reading picture books (and later chapter books), where teenage me worked on research papers, and where adult me has seen the value of freely available information.

I get asked a lot about what my major means and to me: Informatics is the intersection of People, Technology and Information, where we design solutions to our information challenges. Throughout my life, the library has provided a setting where all these meet. Before my studies, I didn’t know Informatics was already playing a role in my life. Today, Informatics has provided me with the skills, tools, and thinking to contribute to our information needs.

I research content ideas, write, and design.

When I’m not creating, I like to take photo walks to practice my photo composition skills. I never say no to a road trip, and exploring the PNW has been an adventure.



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